My 60 Day Raw Vegan Adventure: Week 1

I’m calling it an adventure because, lets face it. That sounds more fun than say, detoxification (i hate that word-its like saying ‘diet’, which is not what this is), or challenge, or even journey. All of those sound like they take a lot of work. Adventures are supposed to be fun, right? So its an adventure.

Lately I’ve been feeling like i have a lot of gross stuff inside me. Like I overdosed on tortilla chips and vegan breads and desserts. I haaaate feeling like this, so i decided i needed to fix the problem and do a 60 day detox reboot. I’m going to reset my body before Thanksgiving rolls around so I am that much less sick feeling when it comes time to gorge on Vegan stuffing and mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy. XD

Here’s my plan:

  • Eat 98% raw vegan for 60 days. I say 98% because there are some things that i just cannot eat raw. Like the eggplant that i have in my fridge right now. I have to cook that guy, or bad things will happen. Very bad things. And also, I’ve learned through other raw adventures that my body does best when i incorporate some cooked things into my diet. This means that at least twice a week I need to have something cooked (probably a cooked vegetable). Other than that, totally raw vegan
  • I also want to run all my problems and stresses out. Running sets me straight, and if i can get to where i need to be mentally and nutritionally, than my body will have nothing else to do but cooperate and feel great! :) So I’m going to run as much as possible in those 60 days. The goal is at least 5 days a week, averaged around 5-6 miles a day. I’m excited!
  • I want to start each day out with a glorious green smoothie. I read on this lovely lady’s instagram that green smoothies are the best way to start the day, and so i’m going to take her advice and give it a try!

Here’s me on Day One, which was yesterday. :)

Peace ☮

Peace ☮

I’m excited for all that raw food has to offer.

Live Long and Prosper \\//


4 thoughts on “My 60 Day Raw Vegan Adventure: Week 1

  1. Cool blog!You’re adorable.

  2. […] I’m doing this raw vegan thing, i thought it would be really fun to try a pumpkin pie recipe that i found on my favorite raw vegan […]

  3. […] so I’ve been bad. I’ll admit it. My plans that i had at the beginning of my 60 day Raw Vegan Adventure fell through. I ended up eating a ton […]

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