So there was this time that I went camping….

and it was SO MUCH FUN! My best friend and I had planned this thing weeks before it was even time to leave. We were going to go to Zion National Park, in Southern Utah, which is only a 4-5 hour drive away from where we live. We were going to spend 3 nights there and go hiking and be amazed at how beautiful everything is. But then the government shutdown. And we thought we couldn’t go.

But then, the day before we were supposed to go, the governor of Utah opened up Utah’s national parks! So we were off!

I packed a bunch of apples, and veggies, peanut butter, and then a giant container of trail mix. Trail mix for days, yo.

Our tree has the most beautiful apples :)

Our tree has the most beautiful apples :)



On the way there we met some really cool, cute guys in a car next to ours. That was an adventure in itself. They ended up setting up camp with us and we all went hiking the next day together.


ANGELS LANDING. This was the scariest hike I’ve ever been on in my life. I’ts around 5.4 miles round trip, steep uphill the whole way, and not for those who are afraid of heights. I am terrified of heights, and this hike it basically just one huge, tall, path across the ridge of a mountain with only a chain to keep you from falling off. I slipped a couple times and was all, Well, it’s been real. Adios, life. But luckily I didn’t die, and I had my best friend and my new friends to keep me from freaking out too much. By the time i got to the bottom though, my knees were visibly knocking. The hike took most of the day, because we got started a bit late.

Look at that. Its terrifying. I can't believe I did that.

Look at that. Its terrifying. I can’t believe I did that.

I was so scared looking over the edge. But I had to, cause this was a once in a lifetime thing for me.

I was so scared looking over the edge. But I had to, cause this was a once in a lifetime thing for me.

We made it!

We made it!



View from up top

View from up top

We then went and hiked to the Emerald pools, which were beautiful.



The next day the boys left to continue their adventures at Bryce Canyon, which is nearby. My best friend and I stayed at Zions and hiked to the hanging gardens and to the weeping rock, which both had fabulous views of the canyon and the Virgin River.




We also bought some Youth Large little boys shirts, cause they were rad and we couldn’t help ourselves. This one is mine XD


May the Forest be with you

The next day we drove home, and it was back to life as normal. All in all, it was a fantastic trip, and I can’t wait until i get to go on a camping and hiking trip again.

I love Zion Canyon!

Live long and Prosper,


